The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 922: Cherche C

Minerva, you look so sad and woebegone. I suppose it's my fault, isn't it? If it wasn't for me, you'd be living a life of tranquility in Wyvern Valley.

I'm sorry that I've dragged you into yet another terrible war. ...Hmm? What's that? That's not why you're sad?

...Ah, yes. I understand completely. Your original mistress in alive in this time, and you pine for her hand on the reins.

...That's not it, either.


Minerva is worried about you. Don't you see that forlorn look in her eyes?

Minerva, is that true?

I sense a powerful bond of trust and friendship between you.

Heh. It seems you've done a fine job of looking after each other.

We must not be that close if I can't even understand what she's trying to tell me... Come, Minerva. Let's go. (leaves)

Tsk. So impatient...